Are We Animal Caregivers or Pet Owners?
From the time they're born to the time they pass, our animals are more than "pets we own" – they are companions we love. We want them to have the best of life as we love them to the very end. They are our "animal companions" and we are their "caregivers."
But how do we care for them best at end of life? Are there options other than expensive surgeries, short-term pills, or euthanasia? The answer is yes.
Animal Hospice Group can offer you support through our Helpline and online resources. You may even want to consider becoming a Certified Animal Hospice Practitioner (CAHP).
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Animal Hospice Practitioners
Clinics are becoming more aware of the need for a Certified Animal Hospice Practitioner (CAHP) to serve families facing animal end-of-life issues. While many clinics have improved the euthanasia experience, many are wanting to refer families for trained hospice care or are considering bringing a CAHP on staff.
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"When the chance for a cure diminishes, families often ask, 'What more can we do to help our animal companions live out their lives comfortably and with good quality of life?' Applying animal hospice and palliative care principles for the best care of our companion animals can enable them to do so."
~ Michelle Nichols, AHG Founder

Four Things To Know At End of Life
- Euthanasia is one option but not the only option. Helping people understand their options is our specialty.
- Your animal can help you know the best approach through hospice just have to know how to listen.
- Animal Hospice Care is a growing field of study, and trained professionals are becoming available.
- Ending life well is of benefit to everyone in the family, especially for your animal companion.