
Certifying | Training | Advising

Animal Hospice Education
and Support for
Better End-of-Life Care

Animal Hospice Group - Certification Program Badge

Animal Hospice GroupĀ (AHG) -
Comprehensive Certification Program

Are you looking for in-depth information about hospice for pets?Ā Explore a career transition, continuing education, or skill expansion in Animal Hospice and Palliative Care. Enroll and begin your certification track today! Learn more about our program levels.

Get Certified in Animal Hospice & Palliative Care
Animal Hospice Group - Animal Hospice University Acorn

Animal Hospice University (AHU) -
CoursesĀ and Resource Center

We have specialized self-paced hospice for petsĀ mini-courses, webinars, workshops, and skills training videos catered to like-minded individualsĀ and professionals. Start learning in our lessons about hospice for pets today!

Enroll in our Instant Access Courses

The Animal Hospice Group (AHG) is here for you...

When animal companions approach the end of life, their humans can feel helpless, unsure, and inadequate. The Animal Hospice Group is committed to certifying, training, andĀ advising veterinary team members, practitioners, professionals, and caregivers for better animal end-of-life care.

Our goal is to provide comfort for pets and their families and confidence for you through education and guidance.

Why should I considerĀ the AHGĀ Animal Hospice Certification Program?

Animal Hospice Group - Certification Program
Beneficial for You

Expand your education, add to your professional services, and provide your entire practice with the tools they need to provide exemplary hospice care for pets. Obtain hands-on experience through the internship, make new connections, and network with AHG students, mentors, and professionals.
Empower yourself!

How It Works
Animal Hospice Group - Interdisciplinary Team
BeneficialĀ for Your Team

Working with another Certified Animal Hospice Practitioner (CAHP) in your practice, youā€™ll be able to focus on the medicine/services while your assisting CAHP can take a greater role or become a liaison between you and your client. Your entire team will feel supported by AHGā€™s network of hospice professionals.
Invest in your staff!

Learn About CAHP
Fits Every Lifestyle

You can complete the online coursework at your own pace, at any time of the day to fit your schedule. Customer support is always available when needed. The internshipsĀ are the only levels with specific schedules. Our unique Discussion Groups, Support Groups, and Online Community allow for connection, networking, and collaboration.

See Curriculum
Value & Inclusiveness

Youā€™ll be giving animal caregivers the individual support they need. Become the animal hospice specialist at a veterinary practice, business, organization, or even start up your own professional services! Broaden and diversify your Animal Hospice Education. The Animal Hospice Community awaits you.Ā This is an online course for anyone and everyone!

Program Levels
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Blog / Continuing Education

Knowledge is power! Browse all AHG blog posts

Grieving Oneā€™s Soulmate Dog

Jun 15, 2024

Participating Affiliates

Learn more - join our Affiliate Community!

Animal Hospice Group Affiliate - BrightHaven

Center for AnimalĀ Rescue, Hospice,Ā andĀ Holistic Education

Thank you Julie for sharing your beautiful photos!

Animal Hospice Group Affiliate - Veterinary Wisdom

Home of ClayPaws® Kits and the Veterinary Wisdom® Resource Center

Animal Hospice Group Affiliate - Veterinary Wisdom

Virtual Grief Support and Community for Pet Loss

Animal Hospice Group Affiliate - Veterinary Wisdom

Compassionate At Home Services Because a Lifetime of Loyalty Deserves The Best End of Life

Animal Hospice Group Affiliate - Animal Communication Insights

Animal communication to help pet parents understand how their pets think and feel

Animal Hospice Group Affiliate - Holistic Actions!

Optimize Resilience & Happiness in Your Pet with Positive & Practical Holistic Pet Care Support

Animal Hospice Group Affiliate - Holistic Actions!

Animal-Guided Healing Through the Let Animals LeadĀ® Method of Animal Reiki

Better Care - Options Are Available

The death of an animal companion is painful for caregivers and difficult for practitioners. Even veterinarians have expressed feelings of inadequacy and not knowing what to say. What options are there? Families are often given only three choices: expensive surgeries, short-term medications, or euthanasia. Animal Hospice Group believes we can do better for practitioners, caregivers, and especially...our animal companions. 

At AHG, we are here to help.

Animal Hospice Group - Lily

Copyright Ā© In Joy Photography. All rights reserved.

“If you go through this process [hospice-supported natural death] with courage and grace, I promise that you will no longer fear death, and your perspective on life will be forever changed to one of acceptance and peace. What greater legacy can our animals leave us?”

~ Gail Pope, AHG Founder

Be the Best -
Learn from the Best!

Our goal is to educate (through our online instruction) as well as to train, equip, and mentor you to become certified in Animal Hospice Care.

Training includes an AHG Internship as you support families and caregivers through our AHG Helpline. This gives you the opportunity to help while you are supported by expert mentors. 

Learn More

Confidence for You -
Comfort for Them

At AHG, we offer a broad range of knowledge backed by 100+ years of experience.  We have developed emotionally rewarding approaches for animal hospice care and certification. You will learn what to consider and recommend, then how to proceed. Through teaching, training, mentoring, and practice you can build confidence in the comfort you provide.

Animal Hospice Group - Ella with kittys Johnnie and Pepito
Animal Hospice Group

When You Join Animal Hospice Group

You’ll Experience...

  • Expert mentors with diverse backgrounds
  • A community and a network you can trust
  • Internship and certification opportunities
  • A mix of live discussion groups and work-on-your-own lessons
  • Confidence with clients and families
  • Proven end-of-life options
  • Better care and comfort for caregivers
  • Specific processes for hospice care
  • Emotionally rewarding work


Meet Our Founders

Animal Hospice Group - Amir Shanan
Amir Shanan

AHG Founder

Amir's Profile
Animal Hospice Group - Kathryn Marocchino
Kathryn Marocchino

AHG Founder

Kathryn's Profile
Animal Hospice Group - Gail Pope
Gail Pope

AHG Founder

Gail's Profile
Animal Hospice Group - Michelle Nichols
Michelle Nichols

AHG Founder

Michelle's Profile
Animal Hospice Group - Quote

"Animal hospice means seeing through the veil and viewing death not as an adversary to be feared but as a doorway to other states of being."

~ Dr. Kathryn D. Marocchino, AHG Founder

We are building a network of certified instructors, mentors, and fellows through live and online instruction. Whether you’re an animal practitioner or a caregiver, we have the information you need to love animals to the very end.


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