From Our Network of Animal Lovers
Grieving One’s Soulmate Dog
By Michelle B. Slater, Ph.D.
Guest Blogger |
Having grieved my own beloved animal companion—a charismatic and profound German shepherd named Brady—I would like to share the wisdom I learned as I mourned his loss with...
Expanding Our Hearts: Grief and Kindness within Veterinary Medicine
By Mollyrose Dumm, CAHP
Guest Blogger & Veterinary Client Liaison
I have spent 10 years in veterinary medicine, and 6+ years (professionally) in rescue and rehabilitation of both people and animals before that in a... |
Letting Go of Guilt in Animal Hospice Care:
Breaking the ties that bind us
By Michelle Nichols, MS, CAHP
Animal Hospice Group Co-founder & Instructor/Lecturer
Why is it so common to experience overwhelming guilt after the death of a beloved animal companion? While working with families,...
Welcome to the AHG Blog!
In an effort to bring the best of the best to the world of AHG we aim to invite a talented and delightful mix of guest contributors to educate and captivate our audience with a variety of hospice care subjects.
In this article, our very first guest blogger Tamara Macaluso...
Time to Plan: the "UP-side to Anticipatory Grief"
Written by Michelle Nichols
For almost all of us, we avoid thinking about the approaching death of our animal companion, almost as if confronting it will cause it. If you’re a Westerner, you’re amongst good company. You may look ahead...
You don't get "over it" but you CAN get through it!
Written by Michelle Nichols
The short answer to this very common question posed by people who have lost a beloved animal is that there really is no simple answer but we don't ever get OVER the loss of a beloved animal friend. Every person copes...