

From Our Network of Animal Lovers
Iā€™m a lot like you! An Allied Service Practitionerā€™s Journey into Animal Hospice 2022 allied service practitioner animal caregiver animal hospice animal hospice case manager caregiver december professionals Dec 30, 2022

I’m a lot like you! An Allied Service Practitioner’s Journey into Animal Hospice

By Michelle Nichols
Animal Hospice Group Co-founder

“I know I have what it takes to help people whose pets are aging, ailing, and dying…I just need a roadmap to get me there.”
~ ...

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Donā€™t Let Caregiver Burden Burn You Out 2021 caregiver may michelle nichols May 04, 2021

Don't Let Caregiver Burden Burn You Out
Written by Michelle Nichols

In making the decision to enter into a hospice journey for our animal, one might think that intensive nursing and daily care are the most difficult aspects of the journey. However, for most of us who have decided to take on the...

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